Monday, July 20, 2009

And then he started to sing ...

No time for a real blog post tonight ( I still have a long unfinished "Parenthood" blog post in the pipeline, and I will eventually get to Neil's 30 questions ), but I just want to make a quick observation or two.

Last night before going to bed, I was flipping through the channels and noticed that Mamma Mia was on HBO. This isn't really a movie I have *any* interest in watching ( though I do like some ABBA songs, especially Dancing Queen ) , but it was near the end of the movie, so I decided to see how the movie ended. The scene I was watching was a wedding scene. There was some pretty good acting in it, and Pierce Brosnan's character did something that reminded me of the end of The Philadelphia Story ( which is a movie I *really* love ). So, for a brief moment or two I thought to myself "Hey, maybe this isn't such a bad movie after all!".

Then Pierce Bronson opened his mouth and starting to sing ...

Shortly after that, my ears started to bleed.

Good Lord! Words cannot describe how bad a singer Pierce is. You are just going to have to see ( hear ) for yourself ...

If you don't think it's *that* bad, then think about this ...

It wasn't as if he was doing a live performance. He clearly recorded this in studio, and was given as many chances as possible to get things right. He was probably given months of voice training, and they probably used all sorts of fancy recording equipment to make his voice sound better.

And *that* was the best they could do!

I mean, what was the casting director thinking? Sure, Pierce is a good looking guy and all, but if the producers wanted a good-looking guy in his 50's to attract middle-age women to the movie, they should have gone with somebody like Richard Gere. Gere is about the right age for the part, and his work in the movie Chicago proves that he's a passable singer.

Anyway, contrast the video above to the video below ...

This is one of the many amazing performances in the movie "A Mighty Wind". Eugene Levy is particular amazing in this movie. If you consider his body of work ( I guess his most well-known role is probably the Dad in American Pie ), you would never guess that he had that singing talent in him. He actually wrote this song, and the performance you see in the video was performed live in front of an audience.

Speaking of amazing singing performances, check out the Michael Jackson cover below:

The guy on the right is Gabe Bondoc, who has an amazing voice, and the girl on the left is Jane Lui. I discovered Jane a few weeks ago when I saw her "You are not alone" cover ( I included a link to that video in this blog post. ). She's got a real kick-ass voice, and I must admit that between her glasses, her dimples, and her ultra-high cheekbones, she definitely has a little bit of swoon-ability. Anyway, check out Gabe and Jane's channels and enjoy!

1 comment:

munchkinhugs said...

i dont get what was so bad about pierce brosnan's singing.. he is MUCH better looking than gere. like, a lot, LOT better. =p

eugene levy (i find eugene to be quite a funny name =p) can sing.. i dont like the girl's singing though -not my type (enjoyability wise)..

GABE FREAKING BONDOC! not only can he sing, but he's kinda cute too (: just wish he wouldn't keep his eyes closed while he sings. but he is amazingly talented..!