Sunday, June 28, 2009

Peter the Dance Machine

I went to my company's summer party with my family today. Before going into the party a bit, I wanted to share a video we took of Peter at the party today. Before, you watch it, I'd just like to mention three things:

1) This was completely spontaneous. Peter does this kind of thing all the time when he hears music he likes.
2) Notice the group of 4 young female fans he attracted. They were actually taking photos of him before it was over.
3) Notice that I was so transfixed by Peter's dancing, that I didn't even notice that Michael wanted me to take him to the bathroom ( I'm in the brown shirt ).

We had a great time at the party today, and we got LOTS of GREAT pictures of the boys. I'll definitely be posting these photos when I get a chance. I'd like to leave captions on the photos and get some of your comments, so I'll definitely post most of them on facebook ( I'll post a blog entry with a few photos to let you know when the facebook photos are ready ). Hopefully I'll post them soon. I told you all I'd be posting Bronx Zoo photos a while back, but aside from a few camel photos, that never happened. Sorry about that, but I ultimately decided that we really didn't get too many great photos from the Bronx Zoo trip. So, I won't post the Bronx Zoo photos, but I will post the company party photos as well as Disney photos from last year when I get a chance ( Disney photos could take a while - there are a lot that need to be organized ).

Oh, I'm still working on my Parenthood blog post ( well, I haven't touched it in almost a week, but it is still in the pipeline ), and I'd like to close this post with a few links related to my last post.

I told you in my last post that "I'll be There" is my favorite Jackson 5 recording, but I think I have a new favorite. The studio recording of "I'll be There" was fantastic, but I think the a capella version below blows the studio version out of the water.

I also happened to find this remarkable cover version of "You Are Not Alone", which I actually think is better than Michael Jackson's original version.

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