Well, I'm here to tell you that none of that should really matter. If you are voting because you like or dislike a particular candidate, you are voting for the wrong reason. Ultimately your vote is going to affect the policies that are implemented in this country for the next 4 years ( and perhaps 30, considering the direction of the Supreme Court is at stake ). All of us collectively have a great power to determine the direction of our nation, and as all Spider-man fans know, with great power comes great responsibility. If you think Republican policies are the best thing for America, you should vote for Donald Trump regardless of how may pussies he has grabbed. If you think Democratic policies are the best thing for America, you should vote for Hillary Clinton, no matter how dishonest you think she is.
Of course, if you do think that Republican policies are the best thing for America, then I'm also here to tell you that you are wrong. Yes, I know that's just my opinion, and it's unlikely that I'll be able to sway yours, but as a former Reagan-loving Republican, I know that minds can be changed, and I feel like I wouldn't be doing my duty as a patriotic American if I didn't try to change some minds myself.
So, for the last 9 years, I've been using social media to try to change minds and win hearts regarding our nation's political path. Everyone reading this might not agree with my views, but if you want to know why I hold the views I have, the social media posts below will give you a very good picture of why I'm a liberal.
The post below are from my blog and my YouTube channel ( If I tried to find and include all my political facebook posts, it would probably take me until the 2020 election ). I created a lot of YouTube videos from 2007 - 2009, and have mostly used blog entries to express my political views since then.
The posts below are organized by topic, with the topics listed in chronological order relative to when I first covered the topic in a post. Within each topic, the post are arranged in chronological order. I intend to amends this blog post going forward each time I post a new political blog or vlog.
Clearly, nobody reading this introduction is going to have any desire to read/watch all the posts below, but if you are at all curious about what I'm all about in a political sense, just about everything you might want to know is listed below.
Gay Rights
The Flag Man
In and Out
Tax Policy
What's the Matter with Kansas Painting Itself into a Corner?
Why Hillary Clinton is a far from ideal Democratic nominee ...
Hillary's Epic Mail
.... but I'm going to vote for Hillary anyway.
Bernie Fans for Hillary
A Message to Bernie Sanders Supporters
Abortion / Stem Cell Research
Energy Policy
Political Divisiveness
Security vs. Freedom
For what it is worth, I made video below before the underwear bomber incident.
Edward the Snowden
The Supreme Court
The Significance of Obama's Election
Election Day
Obama Day ( Embedding disabled for this video )
Affirmative Action
A "brief" facebook tangent and Affirmative Action
Health Care
Death Panels and Stupid People
What America Means to Me
Donald Trump
In this post from 2011, I wrote about how great it would be for the Democrats if Donald Trump was the GOP nominee in 2012.
In this post from 2016, I wrote about how great it would be for the Democrats if Donald Trump was the GOP nominee in 2016.
Be careful what you wish for ...
Income Inequality, Fairness, and Economic Populism
Occupy Wall Street, the 1%, and the Lucky Coin.
It's a Populist Life
Who's the "fairest" of them all? Conservatives!
The Stadium Scam
The Inequality Folly
A Little Competition
Ben and Jerry and Jeremy
Cuckoo Clock
2012 Presidential Election and Aftermath
How do you solve a problem like Mitt Romney?
Baracky III
Election Eve 2012
The Coming Republican Civil War
Voter Suppression
Voting Against Democracy
Gun Control
Disappointment with Barack Obama
Law Enforcement
Debunking Obama Conspiracy Theories
Evolving Political Views
What America Means to Me
So, that's the full list ( for now ). If you are a US citizen, and happen to be reading this on or before November 8, 2016, please make sure you do ( or have done ) this.
What's the Matter with Millennials?
Law Enforcement
A City Divided by a Thin Blue Line
Priests and Cops
Debunking Obama Conspiracy Theories
Evolving Political Views
Things I Used to Believe
What America Means to Me
The Real America
So, that's the full list ( for now ). If you are a US citizen, and happen to be reading this on or before November 8, 2016, please make sure you do ( or have done ) this.
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