Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More questions and answers

Answering these random question are fun, so I will now answer this set of questions:

Have you ever thoug​ht about​ getti​ng your lip pierc​ed?​

Ouch, Never!

Have you ever passe​d out on the bathr​oom floor​?​
I'm not sure if I passed out, but I certainly blacked out. As I mentioned in one of these question/answers blog posts before, I did get so drunk once that I was found slumped in a bathroom and needed medical attention.

Do you start​ the water​ befor​e you get in the showe​r or when you get in?
Before. It takes a while for the water to warm up, so I brush my teeth while I wait for the shower to get warm.

What did you do today​?​

( Dec 30th as I write this ) Today, I watched the boys in the morning, did a little MSN chatting, went out for lunch/shopping with my wife and kids ( Ruth works part-time ( She's a doctor, BTW - she's working at a local nursing home ) so she can spend more time with the kids. The boys are off from school this week, so I'm staying home with the kids ( It's hard for Ruth to get Christmas week off as a part-timer )), came home with a food coma ( We were stuffed after eating lunch, but the boys inisted on desserts ( large ice cream desserts ) and then barely touched them. Ruth and I then wound up eating a large amount of ice cream ), did some exercise, ate a really small dinner, watched the boys play with their new toys, broke up fights when they wanted the same toy, worked on this blog, and loaded some facebook photos.

Have you ever brush​ed your teeth​ while​ in the showe​r?​
Nope, though I pour some mouthwash into my mouth just before I get in the shower, and then spit up the mouthwash about 30 seconds later while in the shower.

Do you know how to use chop stick​s?​
Most people from New York City do. However, during my Freshmen year at college I was given special training from a friend from Taiwan who wanted to show me the proper "Taiwanese way". He insisted that most of the Cantonese-speaking people from Chinatown hold chopsticks the wrong way ( Many people hold chopsticks in such a way that they form an "X". The chopsticks are held toward the middle, and when you open the chopsticks an "X" is formed ( when you close the chopsticks they are roughly parallel ). My friend insisted that the "X" way is completely wrong, and that the far superior way to use chopsticks is to hold them in a "V" configuration ( where the food is held at the point of the "V" ) ). Anyway, I followed the instructions of my "chopstick master" and was soon very proficient in the style he taught.

What are you doing​ tomor​row?​
Tomorrow is Dec 31st as a write this. Tomorrow my wife and I will be going to a nice lunch and a movie without the kids! Ruth's sister and her husband have volunteered to babysit the boys for a few hours. However Peter isn't potty trained yet and neither one of them has ever changed a diaper before, so this should be interesting. No big New Years Eve plans, though we'll probably stay up until midnight to ring in the new year.

Who was the last perso​n you could​n'​t take your eyes off of?
I like this question a lot because it is challenging. Challenging in the sense that it is very difficult for a married man to answer this question without seeming like ..

a) A sleazy guy


b) A liar

I am neither a sleazy guy nor a liar, but unfortunately it will take quite a long-winded answer to prove this.

Let me start this long-winded answer by going into my rather less-than-typical history of being attracted to women. In the years before I met Ruth, there were probably about 1000 girls that I found so physically attractive that I "couldn't take my eyes off them". However, there were only a small handful of girls that I really "fell" for. There were only a small handful of girls that I actually had any desire to date. I guess this was because I was never really the kind of guy who wanted to "hit on" girls or "score" with them. Sure, I was a regular high_school/college guy with all the associated hormones, but I've always had an extremely romantic outlook on love. While I could certainly recognize and appreciate when a girl was extremely attractive, I never really had a desire to be with a girl unless I thought she was somebody I might want to marry someday. In fact, by the time I would get to the point of wanting to ask a girl out, I had pretty much convinced myself that the girl I was interested in was "the one", and that I would lead a tragically lonely life if she rejected me. As you might imagine, this led to a tremendous fear of rejection, and I once went a long as 16 months in one case before actually gathering up the courage to let the girl know the way I felt. Of course, one of the problems here is that I would eventually let these girls know "the way I felt" rather than simply asking them out on a casual date. Now, I never actually told any of these girls "I want to marry you", but I was expressing such intense feelings for these particular girls, that it wouldn't have been hard for them to read between the lines and figure out that I was viewing them a potential spouse. So, with that in mind, you can imagine how my attempts to court these girls went. These girls were all between the ages of 17 and 19 when I expressed my feelings to them, and I doubt that there are too many teenage girls who are thinking about marriage. Even if any of these girls did have the potential to be attracted to me, I pretty much ruined any chance I had by coming on WAY too strong. Then again, I guess it's all a matter of finding the right girl. A few weeks after we started dating, ( YT plug: My latest video gives the story about how I started dating Ruth ) Ruth said something to the effect of "It's not like we are going to get married or anything". This upset me a bit, and let her know that I thought there was a good chance that we would get married someday. I'm sure that shocked her a bit, but it didn't scare her off, and within in a few months she had come around to my way of thinking.

The point I'm trying to make here is that there was big difference between the feelings I had for those 1000 or so girls I "couldn't take my eyes off of", and the very small number of girls I had romantic feelings for. I certainly considered the girls I had romantic feeling for to be pretty, but it wasn't their looks that made me fall for them so deeply. It was something else that made me fall for them romantically. For each girl it was probably something a little bit different, but whatever it was, those girls had it and those other 1000 or so girls didn't. So my point here is that:

a) There is a big difference between physical attraction and romantic attraction.

b) I've never been one to confuse one with the other.

c) The only women I've ever wanted to court/date/marry are the ones I've been romantically attracted to.

So, with all those qualifiers above, I hope I can say without seeming sleazy that as a heterosexual male with typical male hormones, I have certainly found women other than Ruth physically attractive in the 17+ years I've been with Ruth. However, while I may have found many women to be physically attractive, I certainly haven't been romantically attracted to any of them.

So, to complete this long answer to this simple question, I would have to say that the last woman I "couldn't take my eyes off of" ( In the sense that I thought, "OMG, that woman is f*ckin' hot!" ) would be a random woman I saw at the mall a few days ago.

Now, while I've been completely sincere in my answer above, it's probably a good thing that Ruth doesn't read this blog. I think Ruth is even a little bit jealous that I was attracted to other women before I met her, so if she was ever able to identify some random woman I found attractive, I think she would want to hunt that random woman down ( She's a lot tougher than she looks ).

Have you ever run over an anima​l?​
No, but a friend of mine did when I was sitting in the front passenger seat. It was an unpleasant experience and quite an unpleasant smell.

What is your favor​ite cerea​l?​

Have you ever had an Oreo with peanu​t butte​r?​
Nope. Love Oreos and love peanut butter, but never tried to combine the two. Perhaps I will try this at work once using the fresh peanut butter from our peanut butter machine.

What are you doing​ right​ at this momen​t?​
Blogging, obviously. Also loading photos to facebook.

Do you think​ its right​ for strai​ght guys to get their​ tongu​e pierc​ed?​
Hey, whatever makes somebody happy is fine with me.

What kind of car do you drive​?​
Honda Odyssey ( I am a suburban Dad, after all ).

Have you ever had a garag​e sale?​
At my parents house in the past, but not at my house. I think I just cherish my weekend leisure time to much to spend a day running a garage sale. When we get too much clutter, we usually just give a lot of stuff away to charity ( lots of old toys the boys have grown out of or are now bored with ).

What color​ is your iPod?​
I am iPod-less.

What is the last drink​ you drank​?​
Green tea.

Last time you were sick?​
I had a minor one-day cold a week-or-so ago, but I'm usually quite healthy.

What DVD is in your DVD playe​r?​
I just walked downstairs to check. It's a "Dora the Explorer" DVD entitled "Meet Diego".

What'​s somet​hing fun you did today​?​
Any weekday when I don't work is fun. There's really nothing I described in the "What did you do today" question that was not fun.

What do you think​ of when you hear the word "​meow"​?​
A cat ( was this a trick question? ).

When is your birth​day?​
January 15, 1970 ( Nerdy note: I am almost an "Epoch Baby". It is a common practice in computer programming to measure time in "epoch time", which is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. ).

What are you going​ to do after​ this?​
Perhaps put captions on the facebook photos I loaded, but I'll probably just go to sleep.

What is somet​hing you need to go shopp​ing for?
I could use an external drive for my Mac ( To backup photos - we are using CDs to do that now, but it is beginning to be a pain ).

Do you like pickl​es?​
I don't like dill pickles much, but I love the bread-n-butter kind!

How about​ olive​s?​
Not a big fan of olives. However, I love olive oil.

What is your favor​ite kind of gum?
I haven't had gum in many many years. If I had to have some gum, I would want to have the cardboard-like bubble gum that came in packs of baseball cards when I was a kid ( just for the sake of nostalgia ).

Do you have tan lines​?​
I try to avoid getting any tans at all. Skin cancer is bad, and premature aging isn't so hot either.

Has anyon​e ever sang to you?
Nope. As I said in the other blog post, I have been a serenader, but never a serenadee.

Which​ do you prefe​r,​ to eat or sleep​?​
Eating. I don't sleep much ( feel like I might miss something while I'm asleep ).

Can you do split​s?​
Not even close. I'm generally quite athletic, but I may be the least flexible man on earth

How many hours​ of sleep​ did you get last night​?​
About 5.

Do you wear your seatb​elt in the car?
Yes. I won't drive unless everyone in the car is wearing their seatbelt.

What do you sleep​ in?
My bed - usually in a t-shirt and shorts ( sweatshirt and sweatpants in the winter ).

Do you have any tatto​os?​

Have you ever been to Los Angel​es?​
Yes, but I didn't see much of it. Ruth and I landed in LA once to do a Chinese bus tour of some sights in the west ( Vegas, Grand Canyon, etc. ). We got there a day before the bus tour started, so we did spend a day at DisneyLand.

What jewel​ry do you wear all the time?​
Just my wedding ring.

What color​ is your under​wear right​ now?
Basic white Hanes briefs ( I'm a simple guy, and hey - if it's good enough for Michael Jordan, it's good enough for me ).

What was the last thing​ you ate?
A Tim Tam actually ( BTW Shweta, I did try a Tim Tam Slam with some hot milk last night. Actually, I tried 2 - one with the original flavor, and one with the chewy caramel kind. It was quite good! )

Favor​ite type of Food?​
I answered this in a previous blog post. I guess if I had to pick one type of food, Chinese food would be at the top of the list.

Last Movie​ you watch​ed?​
I Am Legend ( Another 90 minutes of my life I will not get back. The CGI scenes of a desolate Manhattan were really cool, but it basically turned into a zombie movie about 30 minutes into it ).

Are you missi​ng someo​ne?​
Not atm.

Do you ever prete​nd to be someo​ne else just to look cool?​

Do you think​ you are emoti​onall​y stron​g?​
I don't know if I'd call myself emotionally strong, but I am uncommonly calm.

Do you prefe​r knowi​ng someo​ne befor​e datin​g them?​
I would hope so.

Are you tired​?​
No, but I probably should be

How long does it take you to get ready​ in the morni​ng?​
On a work day, my alarm goes off at 6:07 and I'm out the door by 6:24.

Would​ you ever have plast​ic surge​ry?​

Do you tan?
Don't want to tan ( skin cancer = BAD ).

Have you ever waite​d onlin​e for someo​ne to come on?
Well, I don't know if I'd call it waiting online, but I'm logged into MSN most of the time when I'm home, so I'm always up for having a fun chat if I hear that bell sound from my computer.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winter Wonderland

I just thought I'd show the photo above to give my blog readers and idea of what winters look like in Edison, New Jersey. Actually, the photo above isn't from this winter; it's from 3 winters ago ( taken on February 12, 2006 - we got 27 inches of snow that day ). I do have some much less impressive snow photos from this year on my facebook page, though I am planning to load some winter photos from the last three years on facebook when I get the chance ( I have folders full of photos with names like Winter 2005/2006 on my desktop - I just need to find the time to load the photos while adding captions to them. This should happen in a fews days ).
Oh, and my next blog post should be a relatively long one. I'll be doing one of those questions and answer thingys, and there's at least one question that I think I'll have a lot of fun answering.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Stranger on a Train

So, I was riding the subway on the way home from work tonight, when a guy takes a look at the JETS logo on my winter hat and says "Tough game, huh."
This didn't really surprise me. The JETS indeed had a very tough game on Sunday. The loss effectively knocked the Jets out of the playoff race, and for the 40th the year in a row, the Jets would not be going to the Super Bowl. I was aware that wearing a hat with a JETS logo that day kind of made me a target. I had already heard both snide and supportive JETS-related comments earlier in the day, so I wasn't really surprised by the comment this guy made on the train. What surprised me was what happened next. After he made the comment, I gave him a quick nod and turned back to my newspaper. However, this guy was nowhere near done.

Random Guy: I can't believe they didn't go for it on 4th down on that first drive of the game.

Me ( barely glancing up): Uh-huh.

Random Guy: That was 7 points right there. They could have had 7 points instead of 3.

Me ( burying face back in newspaper ): Uhh

Random Guy: And they should have kicked that field goal in the 4th quarter! That would have given them 3 more points. They would have had 13 points! That game should have been tied 13 to 13.

Me ( wondering how 7 + 3 equals 13 ): Uh-huh

Random: Heck, but they probably would have found a way to loose that game anyway. Ha Ha!

Me ( no longer able to hide the annoyed look on my face; trying hard not to make eye contact ): Uhh

Random Guy: It's all the fault of Brett Farve. Everyone else played good, but Brett Farve was terrible. I really think that ...

Me ( No words. No longer trying to be polite. I'm just ignoring him and reading my newspaper at this point )

Random Guy ( Turning to random lady he obviously doesn't know ): Hey! That's a nice Blackberry you've got there!

Random Lady (no words)

Random Guy: Does that get reception down here in the subway?

Random Lady (Looking away; quickly shoving Blackberry into her bag )


P.S. If I don't Blog or YouTube between now and then, Merry Christmas everybody! Perhaps I wasn't showing the greatest Christmas spirit in the story above, but as all native New Yorkers know, proper subway etiquette dictates that you keep to yourself and stare at random things to avoid making eye contact with anybody. I didn't make the rules, but that's what they are.

P.P.S It snowed a little this past weekend. The boys played in the snow a bit. Perhaps I'll load some snow pictures to Blogger and facebook in the next few days.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Old School Photos

Ah, 1992! The good old days when it was socially acceptable to wear neon green short-shorts ( and show armpit hair :p ). I spent a little bit of time tonight scanning photos from my college days. Most of them have Ruth in them, so won't find them here, but please feel free to check out the rest of the photos on my facebook page ( The album is called "The Scanner Files" ). If you are reading this, and you are not on my facebook friends list, just click the facebook link on the right and send me a friends request.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Gospel of Vlogging

A few days ago, I tagged a few of my subscribers in the Left Handed Drawing Tag Game in the hopes that I could get one of them to vlog for the first time. Well, dawnpop has answered the call with this video. It makes me feel good to know that I have played a part in spreading the gospel of vlogging. Way back when, an Australian vlogger inspired me to start vlogging, so now that I've convinced somebody else to make a vlog, I feel like the circle is complete and my karma is kinda balanced and all that ( especially becasue Dawn is an Aussie ). In any case, I posted this so that those of you who read my blog can check out Dawn's video and offer encouragement. As far as I'm concerned, the world can't have enough vloggers.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Circus weekend

We went to the Big Apple Circus this weekend. I wish I had more pictures of the circus itself, but it's a relatively small arena, and you are really not supposed to take flash photgraphy during the show. We did take a few shots, but the boys really were not looking in most of them. The picture below was the best we could do.

We actually had pretty decent seats. We were in the first row of the second level, so the boys were able to see pretty well. It was a rather impressive show ( There was a pair of juggling acrobats who were doing flips and jumping over each other, all while juggling 8 clubs between them. There was also a guy who could throw huge vases in the air, catch them on his head, and make the vases spin and dance on his head only by twisting his head around.), but unfortunately we had to leave halfway through the show. About two acts into the show, Michael started asking "Is this over yet?", and "How many more minutes?". In any case, we had a good time while we were there. While we didn't get many good circus pictures, we did get some decent pictures on the train rides back and forth from the circus.

( Note: We made sure Michael was sitting down on the subway, but Ruth wanted to take one shot with Michael standing up holding the pole ).

Peter leaning into his Mommy.
Michael chillin' out on the subway.

This shot below was taken on the New Jersey Transit train back to Edison. Peter was wiped out after a long day.

The shot below was actually taken two weeks ago when we were waiting on line to see Santa. However, it was such a cute shot of Peter that I couldn't help but post it.

I'll try to have a more text-based post soon.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

65 questions

Another idea which I stole from Shweta ( who stole it from somebody else ).

1. What's your name?

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
Old T-shirts.

3. Last thing you ate?
Rice pudding.

4. One place you will NEVER eat at?
Any place that cares more about atmosphere and decor than the food. It's all about the food baby!

5. I say Shotgun, you say:
I'm driving!

6. Last person you hugged?
My son Peter.

7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
Everyone I know is aware that I'm married.

8. Would you date anyone you met online?
Nope, because I'm a married fella.
However, if social networking sites had existed back when I was in
high school / college ( a long time ago - I turn 39 next month ), there's
probably a 100% chance that I would have dated ( and probably married )
somebody I met online. I was a very shy fellow, and I always had trouble approaching
the opposite sex. I think things would have been a lot different for me if something like
YouTube had existed back then. YouTube videos would have been a great way to break the ice
with people, and I think I would have had a lot more friends ( both male and female ) if they could
have "met" me via YouTube videos. Sometimes I think I was born about 20 years to early. Today's world
of social networking sites is exactly what I needed way back then.

9. Name something you like physically about yourself:
Being relatively tall can be quite useful. I can get stuff up on
high shelves!

10. The last place you went out to dinner to?
When you have two kids, you can't go out to fancy
restaurants anymore. The last place was probably McDonald's.

11. Who is your best friend?
That would be my wife.

12. What time of the day is it?
11:19 PM on Dec 2nd, 2008.

13. Who/What made you angry today?
Didn't really get angry today. I'm not a very angry guy.

14. Baseball or Football?

15. Ever gone skinny dipping?
Nope, and I don't want to.

16. Favorite type of Food?
So many. I love variety! I guess Asian food in
general would be at the top of the list ( Chinese, Thai, Indian, Japanese, Vietnamese - so many
choices in the New York City area ), but if nutrition didn't matter at all, I could eat pastries and ice cream
all day. Right now, I am craving some perfectly baked chocolate chip cookies with nuts.

17. Favorite holiday:

18. Do you download music?
Nope. I do not even own an mp3 player. All my music is on CDs I bought 15 years or more ago.
I guess I'm just a geezer in that regard.

19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Clean. I'm a bit of a neat freak.

20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?
Those are just silly, unless you actually speak the language ( Though I actually think
tattoos in general are silly ).

21. Would you date the person that posted this?
I'm not even sure what this means. I think a bunch of people have
posted this by now. I'm married anyway, and while questions like "If you were theoretically
single, would you date this person" might be fun to ponder, it's probably best for a married
person not to answer such questions in a public forum.

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Nope. I've been a serenader many times ( for just one person though - the woman
who became my wife - I'm not some kind of gigolo serenader who sings to all the lasses
in town ), but never a serenadee. :(

Oh, BTW, an example of a song I serenaded my wife with is "Till There Was You".
I sang this for her at our engagement party. I think this song has some of the most romantic
lyrics of all time.

23. Do you love anyone?
I love lots of folks, and I let them know it.

24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?
I think they are stupid. I think people should go with their natural eye color. Most people
who get these lenses are trying to switch from brown to green or blue, but I personally don't
think anything is sexier than a pair of beautiful brown eyes.

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?
Yup, and I'm glad I did. Now that I have life insurance, I don't think I'm allowed to do that kind of stuff anymore ( Well, I could, but if I died doing it, my kids would get nothing - so effectively I can't ).

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
I'd love to, but it hasn't happened yet.

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
I don't think I've ever been hit on, period ( Unless you count emails from stalker girls from my high school, and the occasional suggestive YouTube comment ). I've also never hit on anybody. Before I met my wife, there were really only 3 girls I had the courage to express my affection for ( 2 in High School, 1 in college ). In all three cases, I was pretty much the opposite of a smooth operator. I basically held my feeling in until I was completely obsessed with these girls, and then ambushed them with an "I love you!" message in the following ways:
1st High School girl: 30 page love letter
2nd High School girl: Flower and short love poem ( It was "Spring Flower Day" in High School ).
College girl: Long love poem
As far as my wife is concerned, she actually made sure I found out via the grapevine that she was attracted to me. After that, I proceeded to court her in a rather awkward manner, but nobody would say that I "hit" on her.

28. How many pets do you have?
None, I'm allergic to dogs and cats.

29. Have you met a real redneck?
I was thrown in jail by one in Texas ( See this link ).

30. How is the weather right now?
It's just below freezing outside ( I hate the weather in the Northeast USA ).

31. What are you listening to right now?
Nothing at the moment.

32. What is your current favorite song?
I have too many favorites to name just one, but my favorite recording of all
time is Roy Orbison's "Crying". It's a beautiful song, and Roy just might have had the most
beautiful voice of all time.

33. What was the last movie you watched?
Balls of Fury. I will never get those 90 minutes of my life back. :(

34. Do you wear contacts?
Nope. I sees good.

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?

36. What are you afraid of?
Everything about my kids' future. You worry a lot as a parent.

37. How many piercings have you had?

38. What piercings do you want?

39. What's one thing you've learned this year?
I've learned that blogging can be fun!

40. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
I don't really order from Starbucks. About 10 years ago, I decided
to give up all drinks with caffeine. I did this for health reasons. I'm not
really religious about it or anything, so I won't freak out if I happen to consume
caffeine ( Chocolate has caffeine, and I'll certainly eat that! ). I just figured that
anything that artificially keeps you awake and increases your heart rate can't be
good for your health in the long run. When I gave up caffeine cold turkey, I went from
needing 6 hours a sleep a night to 10 hours of sleep a night. However, after 1 week, my body
re-adjusted, and I went back to only needing 6 hours of sleep.

41. What Magazines are you reading?
All of them! ( As Sarah Palin might say! )
Actually, I read The New York Times Magazine, Sports Illustrated, and WIRED.

42. Have you ever fired a gun:
Only if you count a BB gun.

43. Are you missing someone?
I'm always missing somebody. You can't be with all the people you love all the time.

44. Favourite TV show?
Too many choices to pick my favorite show of all time. The one that
pops into my head now is "Cheers", but it could be something else.
My favorite weekly program is probably MythBusters.
However, the show I watch the most ( every night at 8 PM ) is "Countdown with
Keith Olbermann" ( I also love "Hardball with Chris Matthews - I'm a big fan of political
commentary ).

45. Do you have an obession with WoW?

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
I've had multiple people tell me I look like David Arquette
and Paul McCartney. If you check the "out of context quotes" on
my YouTube page, you'll see that one person asked if I was Paul
McCartney's illegitimate son.
These comparisons are probably the most accurate ( because so many people
have told me I look like Arquette and McCartney ), but the most interesting
comparison is the one people made to the "Preppie Killer"
The wikipedia link above tells the whole story, but in August of 1986, a
fellow called Robert Chambers strangled his ex-girlfriend to death while having
sex in a park. The story and the trial were big news for the next year or so, and
from that point on, at least 5 different people in high school told me I looked like
the "Preppie Killer".
No wonder I couldn't get a date in high school.

47. What celeb do you look like?
Hopefully not the Preppie Killer.

48. Who would you like to see right now?
Sometime I wish I could see my Mom again. She passed away
about two months after I got married. I feel blessed that she got
to see my wedding, but it's sad that she never got to meet her grandkids.

49. Favorite movie of all time?
The Shawshank Redemption. Every time I notice it's on TV ( and it's
on TV quite a bit ), I can't help but watch it until the end.

50. Do you find yourself loved?
I feel loved every time I hug my boys.

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't suppose to?
Yes. I'm kinda a goody-two-shoes in general, but I aint no saint.

52. Favorite smell?
Fresh baked cookies!

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
I actually like kettle corn, which is sweet.

54. What's something that really bugs you?
People who cut in line on the highway. You know
how sometimes the highway splits into two parts
and you need to be in two particular lanes to get where
you are going? Those lanes inevitably get all backed up, and
it winds up talking 30 minutes to travel the last 1000 feet before
the highway splits. The reason is takes 30 minutes is that certain
bozos think it's okay to travel in the fast moving lanes until the last
possible second, and then cut front of everybody else right where the
road splits. I hate those people. I take back what I said in question 13
about not being angry. I'm angry now.

55. Do you like Michael Jackson?
I was in Junior High School when he did his famous Moonwalk at the
Motown 25th anniversary celebration. The next day in school ( and for the next
few weeks ) everybody was trying to do the Moonwalk. I thought he was the
coolest guy in the world back then.
... not so much now.

56. Taco Bell or Burger King?
Taco Bell, but there are about a million other places
I'd rather get a burrito from.

57. What's your favorite perfume?
Not a big fan or perfume. Kinda makes me sneeze.
Also doesn't taste very good ( I'll let your imagination run
wild with that one! ).

58. Favorite baseball team?
Meet the Mets!
Meet the Mets!
Step right up and greet the Mets!
Bring your kiddies, bring your wife!
Guaranteed to have the time of you life!
Because the Mets are really socking that ball,
knocking those home runs over the wall!
East side, West side, everybody's coming down,
to meet the M - E - T - S Mets of New York town!

59. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?

60. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
43 hours.

61. Last time you went bowling?
Probably a few years ago. There was always too much smoking
in bowling alleys for me, but now that smoking has been banned in
New York and New Jersey bowling alleys, perhaps I'll go back.

62. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
I've always had a hard time falling asleep, so I don't really have the
ability to fall asleep in a weird place. I guess I've slept on the floor once
or twice while visiting friends in college dorm rooms, but that's not particularly

63. Who was your last phone call?
I called my Aunt Barbara ( my Mom's sister ) earlier tonight.
She left a message for me to call because she needed somebody's
address for a Christmas card.

64. Last time you were at work?
Earlier today.

65. What's the closest orange object to you?

Aside from the orange "Publish Post" button, it would
be some orange thumbtacks on the desk behind me.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Letter to Santa

Michael wrote his letter to Santa this past weekend.