Actually, what really reminded me what this video I saw attached to a news article last week. Ana's just sitting there in a pink T-shirt, but she looked so stunning that my jaw dropped to the floor.
The crush I have on Ana is certainly different than the "smart girls with glasses" crushes that I usually have. However, I have a history of being attracted to athletes, particularly world class athletes. Actually I usually only swoon for a pretty female athlete if she's one of the best in the world at her sport ( I could never really get into Anna Kournikova, because she could never manage to win a tournament ).
Specifically, over the last 33 years I've had crushes on 4 female athletes, who at one point or another have been ranked #1 in the world in their sports. I made a video about about these 4 athletes about a year ago.
If you don't have time to watch the video above, I'll just tell you that I got my first big "Sports Crush" during the 1976 Olympics ( when I was 6 ), and I've gotten a new Sports Crush about once every 10 years. My 4 crushes have been ...
1976: Nadia Comaneci
The 80's: Katarina Witt
The 90's: Mia Hamm
Now: Ana Ivanovic
I discovered Ana back in November of 2007. I was flipping through the TV stations when I came across coverage of the Madrid Open on ESPN. Ana was wearing the blue outfit you'll see in some of the photos below. After I picked my jaw off the floor, I Googled her, and I've had a Sports Crush on her ever since.
So, I was happy when she won the French Open and attained the #1 ranking in the world last year. Unfortunately, things haven't gone as well for her since then, and she still doesn't really get the attention that other supposedly hot players like Maria Sharapova get.
Now, I guess it is kinda fair that Sharapova gets more attention and endorsements. Maria is a bit more accomplished. She was ranked #1 for a longer period of time than Ana, and she has won 3 grand slam titles while Ana has only won 1. Maria also beat Ana head-to-head when they met in the finals of the 2008 Australian Open.
However, it seems like there are more guys who drool over Sharapova. I dunno, maybe it's the blonde thing, but Maria is just a tall fairly pretty girl, while Ana is simply stunning. If any of you guys reading this doubt me, take a look at the photos below:

Yes, I know that's a lot of photos, but hey, I only have 5 blog followers, and posting a bunch of photos of Ana Ivanovic might be a good way to get a few more hits to this site ;) .
Anyway, if you're a guy reading this, and this is the first time you've ever see Ana Ivanovic, I have just one thing to say ...
Your Welcome.
EDIT: BTW, I changed my blog template simply because I noticed that the previous template was chopping off the right side of embedded YouTube videos.
She's definitely swoon worthy and strangely I haven't heard of her. I should watch Women's Tennis more often, hah hah
ahh i didn't get that the blog was having bits chopped off before.
yes she's very pretty.
you boys.
Ana Ivanovic is good looking she's smoking!;) and i love how your wearing a south park t-shirt in that video its great! i like south park their awesome!
I still don't know if I'd add swoon to my regular vocabulary but I love that you use it. It feels like something that identifies you online, makes your words very personal.
You know how people that you're close to notice your habits, know when you're annoyed, happy, personality tics. I think Personality tics are what keep people tight. Your use of the word swoon is like an online personality tic and its awesome
speaking of which, check out babyporridge on youtube if you wanna see the awesomeness I swoon for, hah hah. I bet I'd be a stupid, klutzy mess if I met her :-D
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