
Over Memorial Day weekend ( a big time for driving in the USA ), I must have seen/heard about 20 commercials like the one above for the "Click it or Ticket" campaign. What does it say about people in general when threatening people with a ticket is apparently the most effective method to convince people to wear seat belts? There are actually a significant amount people out there for whom saving a few bucks is more important than saving their lives? Good Lord! I'm embarrassed to be a member of the human race sometimes. Personally, I really don't think the government should be in the business of coercing people to wear seat belts. People who don't wear seat belts aren't harming anybody but themselves, and if you're too stupid to wear a seat belt ...
... well let's just say I believe in the concept of "thinning the herd".
OK, maybe I'm being a bit harsh - but c'mon, how could the fear of getting a ticket trump the fear of getting thrown through your windshield?
According to the commercial above there are two ways to avoid a hangover. You can ...
1) Not Drink
2) Take Chaser while you drink
God, I don't even know what to say here. They should just rename this "Chaser" product "The Alcoholic Enabler". I don't mean to be too much of a prude, but a hangover is really your body's way of telling you that you have put too much poison in your body. If you find you are getting hangovers all the time, it's a really good clue that you should stop drinking so much. It really depresses me to know that we are such a nation of boozers ( or perhaps a world of boozers ). There are so many people out there that can't even conceive of having a good time without drinking. The fact that there is a market out there for a product like "Chaser" is really sad.

I read this New York Times Magazine article today. Apparently, there are still places in the American South where high schools have two proms - one for white kids and one for black kids. So much for Obama's America.
OK, I know this was rather cynical post. I'm actually quite happy with life. There's a lot of good out there, but sometimes I can't help buy dwell on the stuff that sucks.
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