- On vacation to visit with Ruth's relatives in California
- Arrived Tuesday afternoon at a beautiful rented house at Lassen Volcanic National Park.
- Seriously, beautiful house. Can't believe how nice it is. I've only been here a few hours, but I think I might like this house better than my own house. Can't believe how nice it is considering how little we paid to rent it ( So glad we decided against renting the cabin without electricity. ).
- I wonder if we have Wi-Fi?
- Yes, We have WiFi!
- Let's check that been going on with the Mets!
- Oh Crap!
I guess there will be no more Harvey Days this year ( and probably next year ).
OK, that's all I've got. I know this is kinda a cheap way to fulfill my "at least one blog post a month" requirement, but I don't feel much like writing right now. I was actually planning to write a baseball blog this week entitled "My Favorite Years", detailing my favorite years as a Mets fan ( Up until about an hour ago, this might have been the most fun I've ever had watching a non-contending Mets team. Oh well, we'll always have Paris ( "Paris" = beating Yankees 4 out of 4 games in 2013 ) ), but that's not gonna happen now.
In any case, I'm going to post this to facebook/Twitter, and then put down my laptop and enjoy my family and the beautiful natural wonders here.