Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh really, Ralph?

In an article titled "Why Obama Gets Four More Years in White House", Ralph Nader wrote the following:

"Nor does a third party or independent candidacy pose a threat, given the winner-take-all, two-party system."

Oh really, Ralph?

So, you're telling me that it was just my imagination when a certain liberal icon ran for President as a third party candidate in 2000, cost Al Gore Florida, and gave us 8 years of George W. Bush?

So, you're telling me that wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were just my imagination?

I guess I was just imagining things when George W. Bush's completely irresponsible tax cuts and his wars created so much government debt that my great grandkids will still be paying it off.

I guess I was just imagining things when the anti-regulation policies of Bush led to the the United States greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression.

I guess I was just imagining things when the huge national debt created by the George W. Bush's policies gave the Republican right-wing the idea to create the anti-debt Tea Party movement ( which has somehow convinced half the nation that the national debt is the fault of the Democrats ).

I guess I was just imagining things when Tea Party endorsed politicians responded to the debt by cutting social programs that liberals spent their lives fighting for ( While refusing the raise taxes or our cut Defense spending, despite that fact that the low taxes and Defense spending led to most of the national debt ) and  stripping public unions of their collective bargaining rights.

I guess I was just imagining imagine things when New Jersey governor ( and Tea Party favorite ) Chris Christie used the anti-debt issue as an excuse to cut public school funding so much ( while giving tax breaks to millionaires ) that my youngest son Peter was denied full-day Kindergarten.

I guess I was just imagining things when George W. Bush added John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court - a pair of relatively young ultra-conservatives who will influence the Court for at least the next 30 years.

I guess I just imagined the Roberts and Alito were part of the majority in  the 5-4 "Citizens United v Federal Election Commission" decision, which gave corporations the power spend as much money as they wanted to influence elections.

I guess I was just imagining the large number of 5-4 pro-business decisions made by the Supreme Court over the last few years ( There was another 5-4 decision of this sort today. ).  I guess was just imagining that these Supreme Courts decisions are destroying all the consumer protections you've fought so hard for over the years.

I guess I was just imagining how the Bush Deficits led to budgets cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency, undermining lots of the environmental protections you've spent your career fighting for.

I guess I was just imagining how a certain liberal icon tarnished his legacy so much that the Simpsons made fun of him ( Wish I could find the clip ) by having him attend a meeting of the Springfield Republicans ( When this liberal icon offer a suggestion to help the Republicans, Mr. Burns tell him "Haven't you done enough already?" ).

I guess I was just imagining that a certain liberal icon screwed the country for the next 50 years by running for President as a third party candidate in 2000, and then had the balls to suggest 11 years later that third party candidates have no impact on Presidential elections.

Oh really, Ralph?!?


P.S. Yes, I'm still a little bit bitter.

1 comment:

  1. There's been a federal election going on in Canada over the last month. Election day is on Monday, May 2. This campaign's been so much about the leaders contradicting their past actions and saying that they'd never accept a coalition government. Also the party that usually comes in third has been surging in the polls & the top 2 parties are busy trying to smear this party's campaign (business as usual) The most maddening thing is that somehow the current prime minister has been able to maintain a decent lead for the whole campaign thus far by regurgitating a phrase saying that he feels that this election is unnecessary and that the people should give him a majority government (undeserved in my opinion).

    Politicians are maddening in all the ways that they flip flop on issues that seemed to be central to their previously apparent longstanding concerns


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