Wednesday, December 29, 2010

These Boots Are Made for Walkin' ( for more than 22 years )

A few days ago a major blizzard hit the east coast of the USA.  We got at least two feet of snow ( The town right next to us got 30 inches of snow, so we were probably within a few inches of that ), so it was time to get out my old boots and get to work with my snowblower and shovel ( I needed to use the shovel a lot more than I would have liked .  There were still very strong winds the day after the storm.  A lot of the snow you would try to blow away would just blow right back at you. ).  The snow was quite impressive, but I'm not going to include pictures of the snow-scape in this blog post.  I've already posted enough snow pictures in his blog over the last few years.

Instead, I posted a picture of my boots.  My late mother took me to a shoe store to buy these books back in August of 1988.  I was about to head off to Cornell University, and my Mom wanted to make sure my feet were properly protected against the harsh Ithaca winters.

Well, more than 22 years later these books are still protecting my feet.  They're still 100% waterproof and my feet have never felt the least bit cold in these boots ( BTW, in case you are wondering were you can get such great boots, I just discovered that this brand of boots ( Northland ) was discontinued in 1998 ).  Now, I certainly don't wear these boot every day ( I only put them on when the weather is really bad ), but regardless of how often I've worn them, it's still rather impressive that these boots have lasted for more than 22 years.

So, their durability makes these boots rather special, but what makes them even more special is that they were a gift from my Mom.  Whenever I put these boots on, it kinda feels like my Mom is still looking out for me all these years later.  I hope these boots can last at least another 22 years, cause it will kind of be a sad day when I finally need to replace them.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog post dude.
    I hope they last as long as you do, if not longer :)


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