Tomorrow ( November 3rd ) is Election Day in the USA, so I'll be getting up at about 5:30 AM tomorrow so I can be one of the first people to vote ( The polls open at 6:00, and I've got to get back to my house with the minivan by about 6:24 in order to get to catch the 6:40 train to work. I walk to the train station each day and leave the minivan at home with Ruth and the kids. If the polling place was on the way to work, I'd just walk the the polling place and then to work, but the polling place is in the opposite direction from the train station. The only way I can vote in the morning and still make it to the train station on time is if I avoid all lines by being one of the first people to vote ( Actually, last year I made it back to the house by 6:17 AM after voting, so I guess I do have a little time to spare, but for all I know there could be a 10 minute line at the polling place if I get there at 6:05 rather than at 5:55 ). I need to vote in the mornings because the polls close at 8 PM. I get home 6:45 PM on my best days ( if I catch the 5:54 train home and there is no train delay ) and usually not much after 7 PM on most days ( I seem to be getting the 6:11 train home a lot these days ), but if there are a lot of issues at work, I could easily get home past 8 PM. I'm very big on making sure I do my civic duty, so I always try to vote early on Election Day. Every vote really matters this year. There are no national elections in the USA in odd-numbered years ( Except for an occasion special election when somebody vacates his/her office before his/her term is over. There is one congressional election like that this year, but it's in upstate New York ), but the Governor's seat in New Jersey is up for grabs this year, and it's supposed to be a really close race.
Anyway, considering that voting is the theme of the day, I figured I'd post the clip of my "Vote" Madonna parody below. Most of you have probably already seen it, but a little self-promotion never hurt. ;)
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