I think I've got the flu.
I say this, not because I'm looking for sympathy or anything, but to let you know why I might be neglecting my online life for the next week or so. I usually do most of my online stuff in the hour of so before I go to bed ( after Ruth and the kids have already fallen asleep ). However, in order to maximize my chances of beating this flu quickly, I think I'd better start going to sleep early each night.
That's a shame, because there's a bunch of online stuff I'm just itching to do.
I'd really like too ...
1) Finish the LONG blog post on parenting that I'm working on.
2) Actually make some more YouTube vids before my channel withers and dies.
3) Work on getting my Wiggles videos converted to Mac format and loaded to YT.
4) Upload my Disney pictures from last summer to facebook ( with appropriate captions ).
5) Write a blog post on running.
Speaking of running, this flu is really going to mess up my running schedule. I can be pretty obsessive about my running, and I always get apprehensive when I have to miss workouts of any kind. I have this irrational fear that I'll get completely out of shape if a miss a few workouts. I was actually getting close to a fitness goal of mine, so this flu is probably going to be a big setback. ( A little over a year ago I had to quit running for two months due to a knee injury. When I finally started running again, I had to start at a relatively slow speed to make sure I didn't re-injure the knee. I've been spending the last year gradually increasing my speed ( The knee still doesn't feel 100% percent - I've got a feeling that nothing short of the Fountain of Youth will ever make it feel 100% again ), and I had almost gotten to the point that I could run my regular distance in the same time that I could before the injury. I really want to get back to running at my top speed by the time I turn 40 in January. I would really mean a lot to me to be in the the best cardio-vascular shape in my life at 40. ). In the past I've found skipping two weeks of running due to the flu impacts my endurance so much that it usually takes me two months to get back to where I was before the flu. So, if this flu lasts until early July, it make take until early September to get back all my endurance.
I'm really hoping I'll feel better by Saturday, but that doesn't seem likely. I first started feeling the symptoms Friday night ( runny nose ), and these types of flus usually last about two weeks. Saturday is the day of my company's summer party. The kids just love that party ( lost of rides and activities for the kiddies ), and I LOVE to see them smile and have fun, so there is NO WAY I'm missing that party. However, it would be nice if I had ordinary levels of energy for the party. It takes a lot to keep up with the kids at such a big event ( There are about 10,000 people at the party each year ( it actually gets a little bigger each year ) ). I also REALLY hope the kids don't get the flu. I've been careful not to hug and kiss them for the last few days.
In any case, I hope to talk to you all again soon, but if it doesn't happen, at least you'll know why.
Hug them and stuff. It'll help them build up their immunity.
ReplyDeleteAnd hope you feel better soon too mate!