Friday, March 13, 2009

Tiny Dancer

I'm going to use this post to respond to some of the comments made on the last post.

- Home schooling really isn't an option we are considering. The logistics don't really work for us in a lot of ways, and I really think Michael would benefit from interacting with other kids at school. We've lucky enough to live in a place with a great school system ( Well, I guess it's not exactly luck, because we did choose to buy a house here ( and pay the massive property taxes that support the school system ), but the school system really has exceeded my wildest expectations so far ). The public pre-school program for kids with special needs ( Austism, speech delay, etc. ) has done wonders for both Michael and Peter. The school is going to try to get additional instruction for Michael ( for both the Autism issues and the academic issues ( the need to challenge him more ) ), and I'm confident that the school will do a great job.

- Michael seems to be rather creative, but it's kinda hard to tell at this point. He recently created a little story book with words and pictures. It was hard to follow the story he was trying to tell, but it had something to do with a clock that was built in 1862. The story was all over the place ( which kinda mirrors his speech - he jumps from topic to topic when you talk to him - he has a hard time focusing on just one thing ), so it's hard to tell if the story is a sign of creativity. There's probably a fine line between having disjointed thoughts and creative thoughts.

- Peter is not only a little artist, but he's a little dancer. It looks like he might wind up being the more creative of the two ( though obviously, it's too early to pigeon-hole either one of the kids ( actually, we probably shouldn't pigeon-hole anybody at any age ) ). His dancing is really a sight to see ( I should probably post a YT video to show his dancing, but he's naked in all the dancing footage I've captured so far ( He's very much into being naked these days. He's also very much into holding himself you-know-where and saying stuff like "I got big wee wee!". Funny stuff, but not fit for public consumption ). We have a few devices around the house ( A Leap Frog "radio", a Wiggles "radio", a Wiggles guitar, etc. ) which play a large variety of childrens songs. As Peter listens to songs, he'll make up a brand new dance as soon as a new song starts playing. The dances each have rather complex steps/moves. He'll move his hands in different directions, shake his hips in different ways, and move his feet in complex patterns. It's definitely not random, because as a given song plays, he'll repeat the same steps/moves over and over again in synch with the music. So yes, we've got a little dancer. As each new songs starts, he unveils a new dance. It's funny. While Peter is definitely a little tough guy ( He doesn't take shit from anybody. If you piss him off, he'll hit you, and hit you hard. We're trying to get him to be less agressive, but we've got to be careful when he's around other kids ( He also smacks Michael a lot ) ), he's also a total Mommy's Boy ( He still needs to sleep with Mommy each night ) and loves to dance ( If he ever takes ballet, I'm gonna feel sorry for the first bully who tries to tease him about it ). Children and wonderfull and fun it that way. They are always surprising you.


P.S. EZ - I should be home in mid-August and be in your neck of the woods during the last week of August. Ruth sister's Debby and her husband Orion have just moved into an apartment building in Berkely ( I think it is within walking distance of your house ).

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