Friday, October 24, 2008

You(Tube) get what you pay for.

YouTube is free, and I guess you get what you pay for, but I'm getting rather perturbed by how often YouTube fails to synch the audio and video properly on the videos I upload. It's gotten to the point that I now always load the video as private first, so I can check the video before I make it public. More often than not lately, I need to reload the video. I had a new video of my kids ready to go yesterday, but I haven't been able to load it properly yet. I'm trying to load the video of the kids in HD ( because I'm a proud Daddy ), but every time I try to do it, the video and audio are out of synch. It looks like I may just need to load it as a low resolution video. :(

( Geez, I really seem like a cranky old dude in this post. It's really not that bad. It's just that as a computer programmer, it's really frustrating when something technical goes wrong, and you are helpless to do anything about it. I really wish I could take a look at the YouTube code that converts uploaded videos to YouTube format. How hard could it be to convert a Quicktime file? )


1 comment:

  1. That post sounded more "nerdy dude" than "cranky old dude".

    I agree with your post however! It's frustrating seeing people mouths move out of sync!

    Hope you're good (aside from YouTube's randomness).


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