Part of me wishes I could have started a blog about 20 years ago. There was a lot more drama in my life back then, and it would have made for a much more compelling blog. Now, there's not so much drama.
Of course, I was also miserable most of the time back then. I guess it's true that suffering does help the creative process. Not to toot my own horn too much, but back in those days of misery, I was a pretty damn good poet. However, my days as a good poet effectively ended at the age of 21, when I started to date the woman who would eventually become my wife. Oh, I certainly did write some love poems to her back then, but looking back at those poems with an objective eye, I now realize that they were total drivel.
However, as seductive as the idea can be at times, I'm not really one who believes in "suffering for one's art". Sure, folks like Sylvia Plath ( suicide ), Anne Sexton ( suicide ), Emily Dickinson ( generally miserable ), Van Gogh ( the whole ear thing ) and Henry David Thoreau ( not really solitary by choice ) produced works of timeless greatness, but I wouldn't want to trade places with any of them. If given a choice between "suffering for one's art" or simply not suffering, I'll choose to forgo the suffering.
Still, if one has to suffer ( as most of us have to do at some point in our lives ), then you might as well produce some good creative stuff while you are suffering. In that respect, being born too many years before the advent of blogs was somewhat of a lost opportunity for me. Though, now that I think of it, I actually did participate in a kind of low-tech blog when I was in high school. Sure, this "blog" involved pen, paper, and a high school locker rather than laptops and web servers, but from a social aspect, it was almost identical to the blogs of today. There's a good story behind all that, so I think I'll make a YouTube video about it sometime soon. I also think I'll use that video to introduce my YouTube subscribers to my blog ( And that kids, is what they like to call "synergy" ).
Man, the readership was _low_ on that old-school blog, wasn't it?
P.S.: Hi.